Just came back from shopping today.
Quite a splendid one, I guess.
I wanted to shop today, alone, but mum tagged along.
She is worried about me, obviously.
However, I just kept things from her, because I don't want her to worry.
The reason for me to shop alone, is to do soul-searching.
It's not that I did something wrong, but to have some reenactment of life.
Being alone, I can think of what I want, with no distraction.
I found out that I am more able to concentrate when I am in public, because I am tired of sounds.
I will keep away from noise, and immune myself from people who are looking at me.
Well, weird I know, but this is me.
The special me that is seen by me and my friends.
Went to buy Teachers' Day presents, spent more than 100 dollars.
Of course, is shared by friends, but paid by me first.
Hope that they would pay me back as soon as possible.
Money is difficult to come by!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Head's spinning~
Pillow's soaking wet when I woke up, eyes' swollen.
I knew, I cried.
Cried so hardly, talked to Amanda on the phone.
Had been bottling up my emotions, that led me in breaking down yesterday.
Jealousy, is a dynamite.
Frankly speaking, never underestimate jealousy, it will lead you do something out of your normal mind.
I always knew, when I cried, my head will ache the next day.
As expected, my head ache till I cannot take it.
What's more, I had my Higher Mother Tongue Preliminary Examination today.
With the spinning head of my, I flunked my paper 1.
I am not sure what I wrote for my composition, got so blurred of what I wrote.
Paper 2 was alright, except the fact that I am rushing my work as it's running out of time.
Fine, I am not sure of what am I writing now, still having headache.
Goodbye people.
I knew, I cried.
Cried so hardly, talked to Amanda on the phone.
Had been bottling up my emotions, that led me in breaking down yesterday.
Jealousy, is a dynamite.
Frankly speaking, never underestimate jealousy, it will lead you do something out of your normal mind.
I always knew, when I cried, my head will ache the next day.
As expected, my head ache till I cannot take it.
What's more, I had my Higher Mother Tongue Preliminary Examination today.
With the spinning head of my, I flunked my paper 1.
I am not sure what I wrote for my composition, got so blurred of what I wrote.
Paper 2 was alright, except the fact that I am rushing my work as it's running out of time.
Fine, I am not sure of what am I writing now, still having headache.
Goodbye people.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
If life wasn't as sucky when dumb people appear
Sorry for not updating for days, have been rather busy and lazy to update my blog.
I will find time to round up all my incomplete blog posts.
My apologies for that.
Well, life has been rather enjoyable, ever since Darren come back to my circle of friends.
He has been a great friend, in making me feel good for the rest of the day.
He never fails to make me laugh, that's why I love hanging out with him.
I treasure the time I am with him, and I hoped that our friendship never ends.
I am going to cherish every friendship I had, with all my strength and energy.
I just love my friends around me. =D
Anyway, proud to announce, HE is out of my life.
I am not going to care about him, worry about him, whatever.
If he wants me, I am not going to give much damn.
As, he wasted whole shit load of MY time.
However, I've never regretted doing anything for him.
For what I've always said, all memories are worth remembering and learn lessons from it.
I've learned, to not waste any time for people who are unworthy.
Or, let's put it another way, not waste any time for people who doesn't cherish us as much as we cherishes them.
That sounds better. =D
Don't you think so?
Thanks for all the memories, I will regard you as a friend, for the rest of my life.
Cry? I will do that.
However, I will still eat.
As, I will have energy to continue crying.
Crying, is the best way to vent out my unhappiness.
However, when it's time for me to stop crying, I will stop.
All unhappiness, will flow away with my tears and everyday will be a brand new day.
I promise.
For me, now, I've seen through.
Maybe, we are just not fated to be.
Maybe, I am just unworthy for people to love.
Maybe, I am fated to get hurt for life.
Maybe, no one just realise that I am always alone.
Maybe, no one is able to see my inner-self.
Maybe, no one knows how much I would like to give.
However, no one wants to accept the unopened love I've kept for long.
This is my life, how miserable can it be huh?
However, I have to accept it, right?
Maybe, I might stay single for the rest of my life, and be that pathetic person in everyone's eyes.
Oh well, let it be.
No matter how hard I tried, no one just realise my existence.
No one sees how hard I've tried to be pretty in the inside as well as the outside.
No one realises that I've always been trying to smile, as people thinks that I very sweet when I smile.
This is just how I am in this pathetic world, pathetically practical.
I fight for the rights that I should have, but I lost the war eventually.
Well, forget it.
I shall be a small figure for the time being.
If life wasn't as sucky when dumbos appear, they are pathetically retarded.
Intellectually challenged.
Juniors in my school love to see me and started talking about me.
I can sense that they are gossiping about me, obviously.
They made it obvious, such a way that when they saw me, they immediately started talking lots and smiling.
Well, a piece of advice, don't make it so obvious.
It just shows how stupid you are.
Imagine this, you are gossiping about people, would you want the person to know that you are gossiping about him/her?
Even me, as a person who doesn't gossip much, knows how to gossip in a PROFESSIONAL way.
NOOBS out there, learn more skills of gossiping, then you try to gossip alright?
Meanwhile, try harder. =D
As compared to my school juniors, I enjoy going to Ngee Ann Secondary.
I wonder why, but they are always giving me a smile whenever they see me.
If they were to gossip about me at my back, I wouldn't know, and I feel better.
At least, they put up a very good show.
However, I do not think that they are putting up a mask in front of me.
How would I know?
By looking into their eyes.
Everybody's eyes will betray their real feelings, it's easy to sense.
They are just nice people. =P
(If Sisterlovelovelove sees this, she will be elated, as she is also one of the NASians. =D)
Oh well, I shall say, it's their mouth and mind, I can't control.
Just, think of the consequences of doing all these.
Frankly speaking, no one likes full-time gossipers.
They will get sick of it one day.
Well, it's your choice anyway. =D
Fine, I shall stop all rantings and study.
I have important things to do, I will do my best.
Goodbye people!
I will find time to round up all my incomplete blog posts.
My apologies for that.
Well, life has been rather enjoyable, ever since Darren come back to my circle of friends.
He has been a great friend, in making me feel good for the rest of the day.
He never fails to make me laugh, that's why I love hanging out with him.
I treasure the time I am with him, and I hoped that our friendship never ends.
I am going to cherish every friendship I had, with all my strength and energy.
I just love my friends around me. =D
Anyway, proud to announce, HE is out of my life.
I am not going to care about him, worry about him, whatever.
If he wants me, I am not going to give much damn.
As, he wasted whole shit load of MY time.
However, I've never regretted doing anything for him.
For what I've always said, all memories are worth remembering and learn lessons from it.
I've learned, to not waste any time for people who are unworthy.
Or, let's put it another way, not waste any time for people who doesn't cherish us as much as we cherishes them.
That sounds better. =D
Don't you think so?
Thanks for all the memories, I will regard you as a friend, for the rest of my life.
Cry? I will do that.
However, I will still eat.
As, I will have energy to continue crying.
Crying, is the best way to vent out my unhappiness.
However, when it's time for me to stop crying, I will stop.
All unhappiness, will flow away with my tears and everyday will be a brand new day.
I promise.
For me, now, I've seen through.
Maybe, we are just not fated to be.
Maybe, I am just unworthy for people to love.
Maybe, I am fated to get hurt for life.
Maybe, no one just realise that I am always alone.
Maybe, no one is able to see my inner-self.
Maybe, no one knows how much I would like to give.
However, no one wants to accept the unopened love I've kept for long.
This is my life, how miserable can it be huh?
However, I have to accept it, right?
Maybe, I might stay single for the rest of my life, and be that pathetic person in everyone's eyes.
Oh well, let it be.
No matter how hard I tried, no one just realise my existence.
No one sees how hard I've tried to be pretty in the inside as well as the outside.
No one realises that I've always been trying to smile, as people thinks that I very sweet when I smile.
This is just how I am in this pathetic world, pathetically practical.
I fight for the rights that I should have, but I lost the war eventually.
Well, forget it.
I shall be a small figure for the time being.
If life wasn't as sucky when dumbos appear, they are pathetically retarded.
Intellectually challenged.
Juniors in my school love to see me and started talking about me.
I can sense that they are gossiping about me, obviously.
They made it obvious, such a way that when they saw me, they immediately started talking lots and smiling.
Well, a piece of advice, don't make it so obvious.
It just shows how stupid you are.
Imagine this, you are gossiping about people, would you want the person to know that you are gossiping about him/her?
Even me, as a person who doesn't gossip much, knows how to gossip in a PROFESSIONAL way.
NOOBS out there, learn more skills of gossiping, then you try to gossip alright?
Meanwhile, try harder. =D
As compared to my school juniors, I enjoy going to Ngee Ann Secondary.
I wonder why, but they are always giving me a smile whenever they see me.
If they were to gossip about me at my back, I wouldn't know, and I feel better.
At least, they put up a very good show.
However, I do not think that they are putting up a mask in front of me.
How would I know?
By looking into their eyes.
Everybody's eyes will betray their real feelings, it's easy to sense.
They are just nice people. =P
(If Sisterlovelovelove sees this, she will be elated, as she is also one of the NASians. =D)
Oh well, I shall say, it's their mouth and mind, I can't control.
Just, think of the consequences of doing all these.
Frankly speaking, no one likes full-time gossipers.
They will get sick of it one day.
Well, it's your choice anyway. =D
Fine, I shall stop all rantings and study.
I have important things to do, I will do my best.
Goodbye people!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Miss me as much as I missed you
Oh well, MFF isn't performing well recently at Blogger, so I'm back using IE to blog.
Sorry for the lack of updates, hasn't been well recently.
Fell sick over and over again, I'm beginning to worry about myself.
Symptoms are fever, flu, cough, muscle aches.
Looks scary right?
However, I'm sure it's not H1N1 flu, because I did not get into contact with people contracting this virus.
Hence, I'm safe! =D
Well well, as you all know, I went to Da Vinci the Genius Exhibition.
He's mind is full of knowledge and wisdom.
I have got nothing to say.
If anyone says that he/she want to defeat Leonardo, continue dream in your wonderland.
Happy dreaming alright? =D
As, this dream will never come true.
Or else, try to be like him, using zero technology, all by his hands and eyes, and find out more than he does.
Took loads of pictures and edited some.
In fact, only 3, because I'm kinda lazy to edit others.
However, I'm unable to upload the photos, for unknown reason.
Plus, I'm tired now.
So, I shall sleep now and update tomorrow (?)
Sorry alright, I'm really exhausted.
Goodnight people.
Sorry for the lack of updates, hasn't been well recently.
Fell sick over and over again, I'm beginning to worry about myself.
Symptoms are fever, flu, cough, muscle aches.
Looks scary right?
However, I'm sure it's not H1N1 flu, because I did not get into contact with people contracting this virus.
Hence, I'm safe! =D
Well well, as you all know, I went to Da Vinci the Genius Exhibition.
He's mind is full of knowledge and wisdom.
I have got nothing to say.
If anyone says that he/she want to defeat Leonardo, continue dream in your wonderland.
Happy dreaming alright? =D
As, this dream will never come true.
Or else, try to be like him, using zero technology, all by his hands and eyes, and find out more than he does.
Took loads of pictures and edited some.
In fact, only 3, because I'm kinda lazy to edit others.
However, I'm unable to upload the photos, for unknown reason.
Plus, I'm tired now.
So, I shall sleep now and update tomorrow (?)
Sorry alright, I'm really exhausted.
Goodnight people.
Friday, August 14, 2009
The artsy life is on the way~
Oh well, did my last Preparatory Exam paper today, Science Paper 1.
40 Multiple Choice Questions, combining with Chemistry and Physics.
I must say that, I am just simply ridiculing everything.
I really gave up on the papers and whatever I could think of, I would just relate it to the given choices.
Finishing it in about 30 minutes, and I packed my pencils and slept.
Was deeply asleep, nothing could wake me up.
When Mrs Tan said 'time's up', I could not hear.
I can only hear her saying that she is going to collect the OTAS paper, then I woke up.
I forgot what I dreamed about, so as last few nights.
I only knew that I dreamed, but could ring no bell when woke up.
Well, I simply can't give a damn, does dreams make any difference?
Life continues right?
So, I could not bother more.
Tomorrow's such an interesting day, because I am going to the Da Vinci Art Exhibition.
Tagging along with Jerina, Kenny, Raymond, Darren, Amanda and more.
It's somehow like a 4/7's class gathering.
Kinda classy, I think, gather together for an artsy life.
Hopefully, I could gain more knowledge =D
And to MHDM, I know you are leading a wonderful life that you went to Italy and Paris before, don't have to rub salt on my wound.
I nearly scolded you with vulgarities, but I kept it down.
Hope that you wouldn't piss me off any much more, because I do not know how much can I compromise to you.
Oh guess he wouldn't read my blog, I'm talking to the air and viruses.
I shall go off now, waking up at 6 tomorrow.
Excited! =D
40 Multiple Choice Questions, combining with Chemistry and Physics.
I must say that, I am just simply ridiculing everything.
I really gave up on the papers and whatever I could think of, I would just relate it to the given choices.
Finishing it in about 30 minutes, and I packed my pencils and slept.
Was deeply asleep, nothing could wake me up.
When Mrs Tan said 'time's up', I could not hear.
I can only hear her saying that she is going to collect the OTAS paper, then I woke up.
I forgot what I dreamed about, so as last few nights.
I only knew that I dreamed, but could ring no bell when woke up.
Well, I simply can't give a damn, does dreams make any difference?
Life continues right?
So, I could not bother more.
Tomorrow's such an interesting day, because I am going to the Da Vinci Art Exhibition.
Tagging along with Jerina, Kenny, Raymond, Darren, Amanda and more.
It's somehow like a 4/7's class gathering.
Kinda classy, I think, gather together for an artsy life.
Hopefully, I could gain more knowledge =D
And to MHDM, I know you are leading a wonderful life that you went to Italy and Paris before, don't have to rub salt on my wound.
I nearly scolded you with vulgarities, but I kept it down.
Hope that you wouldn't piss me off any much more, because I do not know how much can I compromise to you.
Oh guess he wouldn't read my blog, I'm talking to the air and viruses.
I shall go off now, waking up at 6 tomorrow.
Excited! =D
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Start from scratch
Today's quite a wonderful day, thought my Elementary Mathematics Preparatory Exam result is so lousy.
Everything start from scratch, me and a 'long lost' friend reconciled.
He actually thought that I was angry with him, I find him rather cute.
In fact, I were thinking that he was the one who was angry with me.
Oh well, I must say that we are really adorable, in a weird way.
Drop this matter, at least we are alright now.
We are friends now, right?
All misunderstandings, are just tests for us, to see if we trusted each other and understood each other.
When we can overcome all sorts of challenges, it truly means that our friendship will not quiver.
We are true friends, we are friends who trusted and understood each other.
Till now, I am truthful enough to say that I've found a few.
They never leave me, though we had conflicts and misunderstandings.
We would just sit down and try to solve everything.
I'm glad that I have you, really.
From the bottom of my heart. <3
When I said that I gave up on my Preparatory Exam, I really mean it.
And guess what? I really scored a disgusting mark for my Elementary Mathematics Papers.
Mum's gonna kill me, seriously, and she would.
She had high expectations of me, but I'm simply not putting in any effort now as I'm not focused.
Felt remorseful towards her, but there's nothing much I can do now to ensure I get good grades for my Preparatory Exam Papers.
For now, hope that I can be healthy, so as to be able to concentrate and start revising.
For me, everything is starting from scratch now.
My physical situation, my friends circle, my school work, my interests.
I am slowly building up my body, to make me healthier.
I am slowly becoming more cheerful and outgoing, to allow me to have more friends.
I am slowly picking up what I've missed during the competition period, to allow me to score well in the upcoming GCE O Level Examination.
I am slowly learning all skills that I've abandoned in the past, to allow me to be more talented.
Wait a minute, does it make sense for my last point?
Oh whatever, I don't really care much now, it's my life.
It's my time to shine, it's my time to make a remarkable result.
I'm doing well now, because I know how to let go.
I'm not going to cry over spilled milk, yet I will learn from my mistake and be careful.
This is me, and I am telling you now that,
I'm Fine! Thanks for your concern.
Goodnight people! =D
Everything start from scratch, me and a 'long lost' friend reconciled.
He actually thought that I was angry with him, I find him rather cute.
In fact, I were thinking that he was the one who was angry with me.
Oh well, I must say that we are really adorable, in a weird way.
Drop this matter, at least we are alright now.
We are friends now, right?
All misunderstandings, are just tests for us, to see if we trusted each other and understood each other.
When we can overcome all sorts of challenges, it truly means that our friendship will not quiver.
We are true friends, we are friends who trusted and understood each other.
Till now, I am truthful enough to say that I've found a few.
They never leave me, though we had conflicts and misunderstandings.
We would just sit down and try to solve everything.
I'm glad that I have you, really.
From the bottom of my heart. <3
When I said that I gave up on my Preparatory Exam, I really mean it.
And guess what? I really scored a disgusting mark for my Elementary Mathematics Papers.
Mum's gonna kill me, seriously, and she would.
She had high expectations of me, but I'm simply not putting in any effort now as I'm not focused.
Felt remorseful towards her, but there's nothing much I can do now to ensure I get good grades for my Preparatory Exam Papers.
For now, hope that I can be healthy, so as to be able to concentrate and start revising.
For me, everything is starting from scratch now.
My physical situation, my friends circle, my school work, my interests.
I am slowly building up my body, to make me healthier.
I am slowly becoming more cheerful and outgoing, to allow me to have more friends.
I am slowly picking up what I've missed during the competition period, to allow me to score well in the upcoming GCE O Level Examination.
I am slowly learning all skills that I've abandoned in the past, to allow me to be more talented.
Wait a minute, does it make sense for my last point?
Oh whatever, I don't really care much now, it's my life.
It's my time to shine, it's my time to make a remarkable result.
I'm doing well now, because I know how to let go.
I'm not going to cry over spilled milk, yet I will learn from my mistake and be careful.
This is me, and I am telling you now that,
I'm Fine! Thanks for your concern.
Goodnight people! =D
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Real person, real feeling? I wish.
I am so not going to blog about my daily life today, it's so mundane.
Everyday is about school, examinations and all, my brain's gonna to burst in no time.
I've been in a diluted concentration mind, I am not focusing.
Teacher's been telling to focus, because GCE Ordinary Level Examinations in round the corner.
However, I just can't.
I am so going to flunk my preparatory examinations, and MUM's going to show me her colours.
I am so dead~
Oh well, let's talk about other things.
It's been more than a month ever since I finished watching 'Zettai Kareshi'(Absolute Boyfriend), including the special.
To what I've expected, I cried like a crazy woman when watching the special.
The tap in my eyes is not working well, I can't control the flow.
It's exceptionally sad when Knight asked Namikiri why is he a robot, it gave me a stab in my heart.
A robot, could feel so much like a human, for a human, but what about a real human?
Human changes his heart as time goes by, and could simply forget what's happened in the past.
All the sweet talks, all promises, could disappear with the wind.
It's unmeasurable for the depth of a human's heart, we can never think of what they are thinking and feeling.
Everything seems so fake, so vague, so mistake.
Though Knight is a robot, but he is feeling like a human because of love.
Who actually knows the definition of love?
No one could answer it.
When you are in a relationship, you would say 'I love You'.
But when relationship comes to an end, all the 'love' said doesn't seems to exist.
They are forgotten and buried.
However, a robot is living on, because of the promises made.
They would never forget the promises made, and their 'heart' never change.
Though they are not human, but so what for me.
What I want, is a reliable person, a person who can keep up to his promise.
A real human, might have feelings, but, changes over time.
I know that there's no such thing as eternal love, but at least, I want promises to be kept.
Till now, there's someone has yet to fulfill any of the promises made to me.
Kinda disappointed, and that's why, I would rather have no feeling.
At least, I won't feel pain and disappointed.
Fine, I shall not dwell on it, there would be a better tomorrow.
I know, and I can ensure.
As, there will be meteor shower tomorrow, at 2 am.
Everyone, please do face the East side.
If you do not know where, take a compass! =D
I shall go off now, I have a lot of things to do.
Goodbye people.
Everyday is about school, examinations and all, my brain's gonna to burst in no time.
I've been in a diluted concentration mind, I am not focusing.
Teacher's been telling to focus, because GCE Ordinary Level Examinations in round the corner.
However, I just can't.
I am so going to flunk my preparatory examinations, and MUM's going to show me her colours.
I am so dead~
Oh well, let's talk about other things.
It's been more than a month ever since I finished watching 'Zettai Kareshi'(Absolute Boyfriend), including the special.
To what I've expected, I cried like a crazy woman when watching the special.
The tap in my eyes is not working well, I can't control the flow.
It's exceptionally sad when Knight asked Namikiri why is he a robot, it gave me a stab in my heart.
A robot, could feel so much like a human, for a human, but what about a real human?
Human changes his heart as time goes by, and could simply forget what's happened in the past.
All the sweet talks, all promises, could disappear with the wind.
It's unmeasurable for the depth of a human's heart, we can never think of what they are thinking and feeling.
Everything seems so fake, so vague, so mistake.
Though Knight is a robot, but he is feeling like a human because of love.
Who actually knows the definition of love?
No one could answer it.
When you are in a relationship, you would say 'I love You'.
But when relationship comes to an end, all the 'love' said doesn't seems to exist.
They are forgotten and buried.
However, a robot is living on, because of the promises made.
They would never forget the promises made, and their 'heart' never change.
Though they are not human, but so what for me.
What I want, is a reliable person, a person who can keep up to his promise.
A real human, might have feelings, but, changes over time.
I know that there's no such thing as eternal love, but at least, I want promises to be kept.
Till now, there's someone has yet to fulfill any of the promises made to me.
Kinda disappointed, and that's why, I would rather have no feeling.
At least, I won't feel pain and disappointed.
Fine, I shall not dwell on it, there would be a better tomorrow.
I know, and I can ensure.
As, there will be meteor shower tomorrow, at 2 am.
Everyone, please do face the East side.
If you do not know where, take a compass! =D
I shall go off now, I have a lot of things to do.
Goodbye people.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
What's your confidence level?
Hello everyone, wish you all a happy National Day.
Well, as expected, this year's a boring one, so I went out to have fun.
Woke up early to prepare for DM's celebration.
Made up, changed to purple, his and mine favourite colour.
For your information, we are just friends alright? =D
So, headed to Tampines 1, instead of Tanah Merah as told.
Well, it's a surprise, to trick him there by telling him that I fainted.
However, I waited until I feel weak, I feel like fainting.
When he heard that, he said that I am lying to him.
In fact, I am really weak.
Hence, he immediately rushed to Tampines 1 and saw me with the cake.
Thanks a lot bastard, you are expressionless.
I feel so sad when I see your face has no facial changes.
Damn you, I hate you okay?
Ate and headed toward Parkway Parade to meet his friends.
Seriously, I think they are so indecisive than girls.
Walking around for beer, and laughing around as if they have the whole world's time to waste.
Me and B is so lethargic, we were like so gloomy when they walked around and didn't buy anything.
They wanted to chase the bus, so crossed the overhead bridge.
While me and B just stayed there.
DM really waited for us at the bridge and called us.
That's the time when I realise why GOD created male and female.
We are different, and this could not be changed.
Girls prefer liquor, while guys prefer beer.
Girls prefer romance movies, while guys prefer horror movies.
I am more like a guy, I prefer horror and action movies.
However, girls are more sensitive than guys.
Sensitive meaning we can sense more, we know guys more than guys know us.
They are kinda insensitive, they don't know what we want.
That's the time when I know, why girls compromise more to guys.
I am sorry if you are not the above I mentioned, I'm referring to the majority.
That's when my confidence level is the lowest.
I do not how to communicate, I do not know how to get along with them.
They are his friends, I do not know them.
That's the time when I am feeling so paranoid and unhappy.
Therefore, went off with B, to walk around and do something.
It's not right to say, but certainly not something dirty. =D
Headed back to Tampines, did window shopping and I am hereby recommending a shop in Tampines Mall.
It's Valerie, it's located at the second floor.
I've forgotten the unit number, but it's signboard is kinda big and attracting.
Their clothes, in my eyes, are gorgeous, I love it.
However, do make sure you bring enough money before patronising it.
Trust me, it's nice!
What's more, is that when you spend above 100 dollars, you will get a 10 dollars voucher.
That means spending of $150, you will get $15 voucher.
Do take note, minimum spending of $100, then you will be awarded to the voucher.
Oh well, before going in to Tampines Mall, there's an event going on outside.
It was organised by SingTel, and if we were to do something, we will be given a goodie bag.
Deciding to be a typical Singaporean for once, I went up to sing National Day theme song.
Of course not this year's, I do not know how to!
I sang 'Home', that was when I am the happiest.
I can sing, when no one knows who am I, and they gave me their attention and applause.
I just sang, with all my breathe, and emotions, and everyone appreciated.
I felt so happy, my confidence level is the highest.
They even asked me to sing another song, and still, more people came to listen.
Really, such attention is much appreciated, as they do not know who am I.
They are just purely, listening to the music I'm producing.
It's really different compared to CSS, and I prefer the situation now.
They are more like your listener, appreciaters, than supporters or haters.
Feels good, life's good. =)
Went to eat Japanese Cuisine with B, which cost each of us $36!!!
Gosh, I am so going to get killed by my mum.
She told me to take note of my spending, and there I am eating such a splendid dinner.
However, I would say, it's worth spending the money.
I'm enjoying it, B too.
After all these, I'm exhausted.
I am really tired, lethargic.
However, what I'm telling you now, is to live life with confidence.
Confidence marks a fruitful day today.
Like me, my confidence level has always been taking a ride on the roller coaster, going up and down.
When I think everything's going fine, my confidence level could ruin everything.
Everything has to start from scratch, afraid, but have to move on.
The world's not going to stop because of you, but to continue going to let you know life has to move on.
In fact, it's speed will be unexpectable, as you are still there standing and dazing.
Life has so much for you to encounter, are you going to waste those exciting moments and just stop there?
I realised that, and I am not stop there whenever I'm being knocked down.
In fact, I'm going to get stronger and not get defeated.
I am going to move on, I am going to encounter all experiences with my open eyes, open ears and heart.
First thing to do, boost up my confidence level.
Second thing, boost up my confidence level.
Third thing, boost up my confidence level.
Laugh, I'm just psycho-ing myself.
I would want you to think, are you confident? =D
Well, as expected, this year's a boring one, so I went out to have fun.
Woke up early to prepare for DM's celebration.
Made up, changed to purple, his and mine favourite colour.
For your information, we are just friends alright? =D
So, headed to Tampines 1, instead of Tanah Merah as told.
Well, it's a surprise, to trick him there by telling him that I fainted.
However, I waited until I feel weak, I feel like fainting.
When he heard that, he said that I am lying to him.
In fact, I am really weak.
Hence, he immediately rushed to Tampines 1 and saw me with the cake.
Thanks a lot bastard, you are expressionless.
I feel so sad when I see your face has no facial changes.
Damn you, I hate you okay?
Ate and headed toward Parkway Parade to meet his friends.
Seriously, I think they are so indecisive than girls.
Walking around for beer, and laughing around as if they have the whole world's time to waste.
Me and B is so lethargic, we were like so gloomy when they walked around and didn't buy anything.
They wanted to chase the bus, so crossed the overhead bridge.
While me and B just stayed there.
DM really waited for us at the bridge and called us.
That's the time when I realise why GOD created male and female.
We are different, and this could not be changed.
Girls prefer liquor, while guys prefer beer.
Girls prefer romance movies, while guys prefer horror movies.
I am more like a guy, I prefer horror and action movies.
However, girls are more sensitive than guys.
Sensitive meaning we can sense more, we know guys more than guys know us.
They are kinda insensitive, they don't know what we want.
That's the time when I know, why girls compromise more to guys.
I am sorry if you are not the above I mentioned, I'm referring to the majority.
That's when my confidence level is the lowest.
I do not how to communicate, I do not know how to get along with them.
They are his friends, I do not know them.
That's the time when I am feeling so paranoid and unhappy.
Therefore, went off with B, to walk around and do something.
It's not right to say, but certainly not something dirty. =D
Headed back to Tampines, did window shopping and I am hereby recommending a shop in Tampines Mall.
It's Valerie, it's located at the second floor.
I've forgotten the unit number, but it's signboard is kinda big and attracting.
Their clothes, in my eyes, are gorgeous, I love it.
However, do make sure you bring enough money before patronising it.
Trust me, it's nice!
What's more, is that when you spend above 100 dollars, you will get a 10 dollars voucher.
That means spending of $150, you will get $15 voucher.
Do take note, minimum spending of $100, then you will be awarded to the voucher.
Oh well, before going in to Tampines Mall, there's an event going on outside.
It was organised by SingTel, and if we were to do something, we will be given a goodie bag.
Deciding to be a typical Singaporean for once, I went up to sing National Day theme song.
Of course not this year's, I do not know how to!
I sang 'Home', that was when I am the happiest.
I can sing, when no one knows who am I, and they gave me their attention and applause.
I just sang, with all my breathe, and emotions, and everyone appreciated.
I felt so happy, my confidence level is the highest.
They even asked me to sing another song, and still, more people came to listen.
Really, such attention is much appreciated, as they do not know who am I.
They are just purely, listening to the music I'm producing.
It's really different compared to CSS, and I prefer the situation now.
They are more like your listener, appreciaters, than supporters or haters.
Feels good, life's good. =)
Went to eat Japanese Cuisine with B, which cost each of us $36!!!
Gosh, I am so going to get killed by my mum.
She told me to take note of my spending, and there I am eating such a splendid dinner.
However, I would say, it's worth spending the money.
I'm enjoying it, B too.
After all these, I'm exhausted.
I am really tired, lethargic.
However, what I'm telling you now, is to live life with confidence.
Confidence marks a fruitful day today.
Like me, my confidence level has always been taking a ride on the roller coaster, going up and down.
When I think everything's going fine, my confidence level could ruin everything.
Everything has to start from scratch, afraid, but have to move on.
The world's not going to stop because of you, but to continue going to let you know life has to move on.
In fact, it's speed will be unexpectable, as you are still there standing and dazing.
Life has so much for you to encounter, are you going to waste those exciting moments and just stop there?
I realised that, and I am not stop there whenever I'm being knocked down.
In fact, I'm going to get stronger and not get defeated.
I am going to move on, I am going to encounter all experiences with my open eyes, open ears and heart.
First thing to do, boost up my confidence level.
Second thing, boost up my confidence level.
Third thing, boost up my confidence level.
Laugh, I'm just psycho-ing myself.
I would want you to think, are you confident? =D
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Here we go!
57 more minutes, and we will be 44 years old.
Alright, to be honest, I am not really into National Day.
Every year is just the same old thing, celebration and singing of the theme songs.
Done, that's all.
But what's special about this year, is we are going to take the pledge as a whole.
Whole Singapore is going to take the pledge at 8.22pm.
So people, do remember to turn on the television to say the pledge together.
The Civil Defence siren will sound at that time as a reminder alright?
Okay, tomorrow is going to celebrate DM's birthday with BBBBBBB!
Alright, I'm just being stupid here.
Surprise surprise, hope he gets surprised by the surprise I planned.
Hope he doesn't reads my mind as he always does.
Hope he just gets mental block for that moment. =D
I am going to just let you feel touched, aww~~~
Alright, I know you won't, cut that crap. =D
Just enjoy alright? =D
Am going to KBox with Ben Khoh coming monday, I am so going to sing as much as I can.
It's been long since I go to KBox and sing.
A long list of songs I am going to sing, including old songs and new songs.
Alright! I am so excited! =D
I am going off now, goodnight people!
Shall update tomorrow regarding tomorrow's thing.
Goodbye. =D
Alright, to be honest, I am not really into National Day.
Every year is just the same old thing, celebration and singing of the theme songs.
Done, that's all.
But what's special about this year, is we are going to take the pledge as a whole.
Whole Singapore is going to take the pledge at 8.22pm.
So people, do remember to turn on the television to say the pledge together.
The Civil Defence siren will sound at that time as a reminder alright?
Okay, tomorrow is going to celebrate DM's birthday with BBBBBBB!
Alright, I'm just being stupid here.
Surprise surprise, hope he gets surprised by the surprise I planned.
Hope he doesn't reads my mind as he always does.
Hope he just gets mental block for that moment. =D
I am going to just let you feel touched, aww~~~
Alright, I know you won't, cut that crap. =D
Just enjoy alright? =D
Am going to KBox with Ben Khoh coming monday, I am so going to sing as much as I can.
It's been long since I go to KBox and sing.
A long list of songs I am going to sing, including old songs and new songs.
Alright! I am so excited! =D
I am going off now, goodnight people!
Shall update tomorrow regarding tomorrow's thing.
Goodbye. =D
Friday, August 7, 2009
Celebrate this moment.
Well well, had National Day Celebration this year, I am speechless.
Speechlessly, hopelessly boring!
I prefer last year's celebration, needless to say.
We sang so many songs last year, jumping around like some little kids, we were regaining our childhood.
This year, we sang 2 songs, ONLY!
I felt kinda gloomy, I wanted to sing, not in the crowd.
However, I know that I'm always the one who's being forgotten, because I am not thick skinned enough to ask for a chance to perform.
Oh whatever, my school's always like that.
They seldom give me chances to perform, because I am the one who always hide in a corner, hoping to get noticed.
It's okay though, I shall get better performance chances on better stages and better audience.
My school.... made me speechless.
Didn't get to take picture as I left my camera in the classroom, I felt stupid though.
I wanted to cam whore, at last, as this is the last year in school celebrating as a secondary school student.
I want to take picture with them, as they are the batch of people going through last year in PRCS with me.
From broken pieces, to a perfectly fine and beautiful art piece, this is our class.
Show the others what we can do 4/7ers!
We are just so united, we are as one!
Laugh out loud, sounds wrong, to me.
Alright, I'm getting high~
Today's 'Crestians Got Talent', I shall say that the winner deserves it, really.
They are good, voices are considered good too.
What they are lack of now, is harmonisation.
If there are harmony in their singing, it would be a great addition to their marks.
Samuel, the one who played on the piano, he's great.
Seriously, I love his rendition of 'Bumble Bee'.
However, our school's student just doesn't know how to appreciate it.
Because of his attitude? I don't know.
I just like his performance.
For other contestants, I have no comments.
Just to say, our talent competition contestant's quality, is at a decelerating mode.
I shall not say some more before any of the contestants saw this and started scolding me and cursing me in their blog.
You should know how good you are. =D
Oh, there's something I want to show.
Blogger's fine, now, I think?
But layout seems weird, this showed on my laptop.
Take a look.

Found that, the tabs are there, but unable to upload picture.
Facebook seemed to have problem too, anyone encountering the same thing as me?
Like this?

Is your's like mine?
Speechlessly, hopelessly boring!
I prefer last year's celebration, needless to say.
We sang so many songs last year, jumping around like some little kids, we were regaining our childhood.
This year, we sang 2 songs, ONLY!
I felt kinda gloomy, I wanted to sing, not in the crowd.
However, I know that I'm always the one who's being forgotten, because I am not thick skinned enough to ask for a chance to perform.
Oh whatever, my school's always like that.
They seldom give me chances to perform, because I am the one who always hide in a corner, hoping to get noticed.
It's okay though, I shall get better performance chances on better stages and better audience.
My school.... made me speechless.
Didn't get to take picture as I left my camera in the classroom, I felt stupid though.
I wanted to cam whore, at last, as this is the last year in school celebrating as a secondary school student.
I want to take picture with them, as they are the batch of people going through last year in PRCS with me.
From broken pieces, to a perfectly fine and beautiful art piece, this is our class.
Show the others what we can do 4/7ers!
We are just so united, we are as one!
Laugh out loud, sounds wrong, to me.
Alright, I'm getting high~
Today's 'Crestians Got Talent', I shall say that the winner deserves it, really.
They are good, voices are considered good too.
What they are lack of now, is harmonisation.
If there are harmony in their singing, it would be a great addition to their marks.
Samuel, the one who played on the piano, he's great.
Seriously, I love his rendition of 'Bumble Bee'.
However, our school's student just doesn't know how to appreciate it.
Because of his attitude? I don't know.
I just like his performance.
For other contestants, I have no comments.
Just to say, our talent competition contestant's quality, is at a decelerating mode.
I shall not say some more before any of the contestants saw this and started scolding me and cursing me in their blog.
You should know how good you are. =D
Oh, there's something I want to show.
Blogger's fine, now, I think?
But layout seems weird, this showed on my laptop.
Take a look.
Found that, the tabs are there, but unable to upload picture.
Facebook seemed to have problem too, anyone encountering the same thing as me?
Like this?
Is your's like mine?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sorry for not updating my blog yesterday, woke up from my afternoon nap at a very late time.
Was tired till then, hence didn't update.
I kind of forgotten something, try to do a recapitulation here.
So, let's start from yesterday!
Had normal school lesson, did chemistry experiment, and something happened.
Sorry Felicia, that I've scolded you.
Too many things happened, life's kind of screwed, mood's kind of foul.
I always wanted to cry, as too many things happened, because I wanted to relieve my sorrow.
I believed that crying helps in relieving the emotions that you've pressing it for long.
However, I haven't been crying for about 2 months, that's why I am so paranoid previously.
I have to thank Felicia, for pissing me off to let me cried.
I felt good after crying, thanks a lot.
Sound's so self abusing, but really, I felt much better.
Anyway, I didn't say that when we are heading towards Chemistry laboratory, my left eye's twitching.
I am kind of mixed up with 左吉右凶or左凶右吉, but Sherie told me is the former, so I'm quite happy that it's not the latter.
So, yeah, indeed, something good happened.
Someone I've been worrying about, just updated me that he/she's alright.
Thanks for making me worry, you shall get it from me when I see you.
*Evil Laughter!
Well, let's talk about today, such an unlucky day.
Went to school, reconciled with Felicia.
Here comes the nightmare, my right hand started to ache.
Been massaging it, and it's seem not effect.
For entire 2 hours, I can't write properly with my right, hence I used my left hand.
It's been a long time since I used my left hand to write, so I looked kinda atrocious.
Thinking of having Literature Preparatory examination after recess, I started to worry.
So after a long conversation-cum-quarreling with my mum, she picked me up from school and brought me to consult doctor.
Well, doctor said that I had bone infection at my wrist area.
I am kind of amazed, BONE INFECTION?
Darn, I am speechless.
So now, my hand is like a dumpling, kind of ugly.
Oh well, shall stop before you dozing off in front of the computer screen.
I have a boring life...
Nope, not boring life.
I am poor in English, hence I could not think of words to phrase my sentence till it's colourful.
Thinking of that, I started to worry.
Fine, I shall stop, really.
Tomorrow's National Day Celebration, and I wonder how would my school organise for hall activity.
Is it going to be like a daily routine, the same old thing repeating?
Or is it going to be something special?
By listening to Discipline Master saying that there's 'Crestians Got Talent', I started to yawn.
Secondary 1 and 2, there's PRCS Idol.
Last year, it was Talent Quest.
Can't they be more creative?
Maybe next year, there will be 勵志Superstar, Mandarin Singing Competition.
Faint, I am going to faint if it really happens.
Perhaps, I'm just expecting too much, what a perfectionist I am.
I don't like copying other's, I don't like to wear what people's wearing EVERYWHERE.
I don't follow by trend, because I know fashion is something that what you feel is the best for you.
I like something special, and not to follow trend.
However, I can't probably force people to be like me.
Knock on my head, stupid me.
Alright, ending off here.
Goodnight, and goodbye. =D
Was tired till then, hence didn't update.
I kind of forgotten something, try to do a recapitulation here.
So, let's start from yesterday!
Had normal school lesson, did chemistry experiment, and something happened.
Sorry Felicia, that I've scolded you.
Too many things happened, life's kind of screwed, mood's kind of foul.
I always wanted to cry, as too many things happened, because I wanted to relieve my sorrow.
I believed that crying helps in relieving the emotions that you've pressing it for long.
However, I haven't been crying for about 2 months, that's why I am so paranoid previously.
I have to thank Felicia, for pissing me off to let me cried.
I felt good after crying, thanks a lot.
Sound's so self abusing, but really, I felt much better.
Anyway, I didn't say that when we are heading towards Chemistry laboratory, my left eye's twitching.
I am kind of mixed up with 左吉右凶or左凶右吉, but Sherie told me is the former, so I'm quite happy that it's not the latter.
So, yeah, indeed, something good happened.
Someone I've been worrying about, just updated me that he/she's alright.
Thanks for making me worry, you shall get it from me when I see you.
*Evil Laughter!
Well, let's talk about today, such an unlucky day.
Went to school, reconciled with Felicia.
Here comes the nightmare, my right hand started to ache.
Been massaging it, and it's seem not effect.
For entire 2 hours, I can't write properly with my right, hence I used my left hand.
It's been a long time since I used my left hand to write, so I looked kinda atrocious.
Thinking of having Literature Preparatory examination after recess, I started to worry.
So after a long conversation-cum-quarreling with my mum, she picked me up from school and brought me to consult doctor.
Well, doctor said that I had bone infection at my wrist area.
I am kind of amazed, BONE INFECTION?
Darn, I am speechless.
So now, my hand is like a dumpling, kind of ugly.
Oh well, shall stop before you dozing off in front of the computer screen.
I have a boring life...
Nope, not boring life.
I am poor in English, hence I could not think of words to phrase my sentence till it's colourful.
Thinking of that, I started to worry.
Fine, I shall stop, really.
Tomorrow's National Day Celebration, and I wonder how would my school organise for hall activity.
Is it going to be like a daily routine, the same old thing repeating?
Or is it going to be something special?
By listening to Discipline Master saying that there's 'Crestians Got Talent', I started to yawn.
Secondary 1 and 2, there's PRCS Idol.
Last year, it was Talent Quest.
Can't they be more creative?
Maybe next year, there will be 勵志Superstar, Mandarin Singing Competition.
Faint, I am going to faint if it really happens.
Perhaps, I'm just expecting too much, what a perfectionist I am.
I don't like copying other's, I don't like to wear what people's wearing EVERYWHERE.
I don't follow by trend, because I know fashion is something that what you feel is the best for you.
I like something special, and not to follow trend.
However, I can't probably force people to be like me.
Knock on my head, stupid me.
Alright, ending off here.
Goodnight, and goodbye. =D
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
This is Absurd!
Gosh, I am so going to rant in blog today.
Today's preparatory exam paper was a total piece of *toot*.
Well, I do admit that I didn't really study for it, but I did read through.
I've got the ideas in my head after reading through, and was pretty sure that I can manage it.
However, Source Based Question (SBQ) disappointed me big time.
I have NO IDEA, why the setter gave sources based on the country that we've never touch on.
We didn't study that, we have NO BACKGROUND for that country's humanitarian crisis.
Oh well, I am sure anyone sees it, and is able to score for Social Studies, he/she would say SBQ doesn't inquire any knowledge for us to attempt.
And because so, I would not say much about the problem of setter setting this paper.
However, on top of that, I should say, without any basic knowledge of the country's conflict, means that we need time to understand and decipher the little background knowledge given.
This is absurd, totally unforgivable!
Due to time constrain, I do not have enough time to attempt essay questions.
Knowing that passing isn't a problem for essay questions, this cannot be done as I didn't finish it.
Oh, I hate it, this is so not right.
In fact, I didn't finish both section's questions.
After doing third part of SBQ, I looked at the time and flipped to do essay question.
Used up a lot of time to do first part of it, hence I only finished about 60-70% of the part B.
Then, I flipped back to rush out last part of SBQ.
Guess what, I'm only left with 4 minutes to do it.
My writing speed isn't fast, 4 minutes isn't enough for me!
I'm so agitated, luckily I managed to calm myself down easily, or else, I will be the one shouting when examination ends!
Seriously, have lots of vulgarities in my brain, I wanted to shout out.
However, I kept it down.
Bad for health, bad for image.
Gosh, there's no link for bad for health, I don't find any!
Maybe others do, but I don't.
Alright, I'm talking to myself, don't bother me.
I would rather end off here, now, rather than to look at the computer screen and shout,
Okay, I shall stop being crazy here.
Cheers, I shall go off now.
Goodbye and goodnight. =D
Today's preparatory exam paper was a total piece of *toot*.
Well, I do admit that I didn't really study for it, but I did read through.
I've got the ideas in my head after reading through, and was pretty sure that I can manage it.
However, Source Based Question (SBQ) disappointed me big time.
I have NO IDEA, why the setter gave sources based on the country that we've never touch on.
We didn't study that, we have NO BACKGROUND for that country's humanitarian crisis.
Oh well, I am sure anyone sees it, and is able to score for Social Studies, he/she would say SBQ doesn't inquire any knowledge for us to attempt.
And because so, I would not say much about the problem of setter setting this paper.
However, on top of that, I should say, without any basic knowledge of the country's conflict, means that we need time to understand and decipher the little background knowledge given.
This is absurd, totally unforgivable!
Due to time constrain, I do not have enough time to attempt essay questions.
Knowing that passing isn't a problem for essay questions, this cannot be done as I didn't finish it.
Oh, I hate it, this is so not right.
In fact, I didn't finish both section's questions.
After doing third part of SBQ, I looked at the time and flipped to do essay question.
Used up a lot of time to do first part of it, hence I only finished about 60-70% of the part B.
Then, I flipped back to rush out last part of SBQ.
Guess what, I'm only left with 4 minutes to do it.
My writing speed isn't fast, 4 minutes isn't enough for me!
I'm so agitated, luckily I managed to calm myself down easily, or else, I will be the one shouting when examination ends!
Seriously, have lots of vulgarities in my brain, I wanted to shout out.
However, I kept it down.
Bad for health, bad for image.
Gosh, there's no link for bad for health, I don't find any!
Maybe others do, but I don't.
Alright, I'm talking to myself, don't bother me.
I would rather end off here, now, rather than to look at the computer screen and shout,
Okay, I shall stop being crazy here.
Cheers, I shall go off now.
Goodbye and goodnight. =D
Monday, August 3, 2009
Blogger posting segment failed me, for weeks.
The tabs for editing fonts and stuff, just went disappear.
Just like how you did.
Paranoid again?
Think so.
Been telling myself not to think of you much, there are much more important things awaiting for me to accomplish.
However, I've been procrastinating, again.
Like I've told you before, happiness is my motivation to study.
I ain't happy, not at all.
Might not need to see you everyday, might not need to hear your voice everyday, but just a simple Short Message Service chats, I will feel at ease.
I am a potential procrastinator, and I am now showing people, especially my Mum, my talent.
I feel so bad, so remorseful, in letting her to see me not doing any good to myself.
I'm regretful, for replying those hurtful responses on my Plurk, saying that me and you is never possible.
Just because, I was so disappointed in you, and myself too.
However, I would not take it away, as words said can never be taken back.
What's done, cannot be undone.
I wished that time could turn back, just before I respond, I could think more and could have just wrote, nope, we are not together, just that.
By saying that we can be together, when lightning strikes and thunder sounds, a heavy storm starts immediately, is just me lying through my teeth, my eyes.
I really hoped that what I said really happen, but I know, it's impossible.
As, I am not a person who would compromise to everything, especially on things that I don't wanna mention.
You can tell me to do lots of things, and I would say okay.
However, the main issue that causes me and you in this present state, I just can't bring myself to compromise.
You don't force me, I thank you, but I am just landing in this miserable state that might make me not able to stand up anymore.
Why would I not touch on that, is because the belief and what I see, keeps rotating.
It kept happening, never stop.
I can say that, I love God, because God created almost everything, but mindset is the thing that keeps me unmovable.
There are too many things happening out there, that made me a free-thinker now.
I can say that I've seen the beauty side of human, and also the ugly side of human.
Religion, is a thing that I would not criticise or comment on, because everyone has their own choice.
They have their freedom to choose whatever religion they want to be in, we cannot say anything.
The worst thing, is to criticise other religion indirectly.
I always believed, good-ones will go to heaven, not only for the particular religion.
As, it doesn't always seem to be like what you think, you are saint-like.
Hell no, every people have different religion, and they are of good, bad or on faint line.
It doesn't always imply that all people from one religion will go to heaven, and others will go nowhere.
No such thing, seriously.
Who knows where would we go when we die, everyone will die one day.
We don't have any idea, we cannot say anything.
That's the reason why, I chose to disappear, from any religion.
I might find one one day, I might not.
We cannot predict what's going to happen when time passes.
What we can do, is react when things come.
If that's the way you treat me, as you said, a friend.
Then thanks, you've done a brilliant job.
Maybe, we just don't know how to appreciate each other, that's why we passed by each other unknowingly.
We did not notice each other importance of presence.
Disappear all you want, just want to tell you.
If you read my blog, I will be waiting for you to appear on the day we've said to celebrate your birthday.
Surprises will still go on, if you want me keep waiting, I'm fine with that.
I will just wait, at a place that I am going to email you.
I will wait till the next day, I gave my word with honour.
I will just wait...
Wait till you appear from your disappearance...
The tabs for editing fonts and stuff, just went disappear.
Just like how you did.
Paranoid again?
Think so.
Been telling myself not to think of you much, there are much more important things awaiting for me to accomplish.
However, I've been procrastinating, again.
Like I've told you before, happiness is my motivation to study.
I ain't happy, not at all.
Might not need to see you everyday, might not need to hear your voice everyday, but just a simple Short Message Service chats, I will feel at ease.
I am a potential procrastinator, and I am now showing people, especially my Mum, my talent.
I feel so bad, so remorseful, in letting her to see me not doing any good to myself.
I'm regretful, for replying those hurtful responses on my Plurk, saying that me and you is never possible.
Just because, I was so disappointed in you, and myself too.
However, I would not take it away, as words said can never be taken back.
What's done, cannot be undone.
I wished that time could turn back, just before I respond, I could think more and could have just wrote, nope, we are not together, just that.
By saying that we can be together, when lightning strikes and thunder sounds, a heavy storm starts immediately, is just me lying through my teeth, my eyes.
I really hoped that what I said really happen, but I know, it's impossible.
As, I am not a person who would compromise to everything, especially on things that I don't wanna mention.
You can tell me to do lots of things, and I would say okay.
However, the main issue that causes me and you in this present state, I just can't bring myself to compromise.
You don't force me, I thank you, but I am just landing in this miserable state that might make me not able to stand up anymore.
Why would I not touch on that, is because the belief and what I see, keeps rotating.
It kept happening, never stop.
I can say that, I love God, because God created almost everything, but mindset is the thing that keeps me unmovable.
There are too many things happening out there, that made me a free-thinker now.
I can say that I've seen the beauty side of human, and also the ugly side of human.
Religion, is a thing that I would not criticise or comment on, because everyone has their own choice.
They have their freedom to choose whatever religion they want to be in, we cannot say anything.
The worst thing, is to criticise other religion indirectly.
I always believed, good-ones will go to heaven, not only for the particular religion.
As, it doesn't always seem to be like what you think, you are saint-like.
Hell no, every people have different religion, and they are of good, bad or on faint line.
It doesn't always imply that all people from one religion will go to heaven, and others will go nowhere.
No such thing, seriously.
Who knows where would we go when we die, everyone will die one day.
We don't have any idea, we cannot say anything.
That's the reason why, I chose to disappear, from any religion.
I might find one one day, I might not.
We cannot predict what's going to happen when time passes.
What we can do, is react when things come.
If that's the way you treat me, as you said, a friend.
Then thanks, you've done a brilliant job.
Maybe, we just don't know how to appreciate each other, that's why we passed by each other unknowingly.
We did not notice each other importance of presence.
Disappear all you want, just want to tell you.
If you read my blog, I will be waiting for you to appear on the day we've said to celebrate your birthday.
Surprises will still go on, if you want me keep waiting, I'm fine with that.
I will just wait, at a place that I am going to email you.
I will wait till the next day, I gave my word with honour.
I will just wait...
Wait till you appear from your disappearance...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Oh well, from the above title, should have guessed so.
Right, I am feeling a bit, nope, it's VERY paranoid.
I could flare up easily, or got very affected by something, since Friday.
I don't know why, but it just came by my door of heart and went in.
I hate it, seriously, made me having foul mood in the morning.
I'm glad that I didn't vent my anger on anyone, but the fire is burning red as ever.
I'm having fever, virtually.
Darn, and I'm fine after a nap.
Thanks a lot, I feel so great now, with a little gaga in my head.
Thanks to Katy Perry, I felt so good after listening to her songs.
Meanwhile, I found out that I can sing her songs.
So, I'm going to learn her songs.
Alright, that's random.
Well, that's what I meant by gaga in the head.
I'm not Lady Gaga, and I can't be her, she's so great.
So, don't assume or trying to be lame in front of your laptop or computer screen.
Alright, I'm going crazy.
Dumdum dee dumdum dee dumdum~
I'm going crazy now~~~
Laughs, alright, I shall stop.
Thinking that I'm studying now, hell no.
I am not going to study now, look at the time now.
My mind's shut.
I'm going to wake up at 4 in the morning to study.
So, it means that I'm going to sleep at 11 pm.
Oh fine, I think I'm not a little, but VERY gaga!
Shall end off here, goodnight people.
Boring post. =.=
Goodbye, sweet dreams. =D
Right, I am feeling a bit, nope, it's VERY paranoid.
I could flare up easily, or got very affected by something, since Friday.
I don't know why, but it just came by my door of heart and went in.
I hate it, seriously, made me having foul mood in the morning.
I'm glad that I didn't vent my anger on anyone, but the fire is burning red as ever.
I'm having fever, virtually.
Darn, and I'm fine after a nap.
Thanks a lot, I feel so great now, with a little gaga in my head.
Thanks to Katy Perry, I felt so good after listening to her songs.
Meanwhile, I found out that I can sing her songs.
So, I'm going to learn her songs.
Alright, that's random.
Well, that's what I meant by gaga in the head.
I'm not Lady Gaga, and I can't be her, she's so great.
So, don't assume or trying to be lame in front of your laptop or computer screen.
Alright, I'm going crazy.
Dumdum dee dumdum dee dumdum~
I'm going crazy now~~~
Laughs, alright, I shall stop.
Thinking that I'm studying now, hell no.
I am not going to study now, look at the time now.
My mind's shut.
I'm going to wake up at 4 in the morning to study.
So, it means that I'm going to sleep at 11 pm.
Oh fine, I think I'm not a little, but VERY gaga!
Shall end off here, goodnight people.
Boring post. =.=
Goodbye, sweet dreams. =D
Saturday, August 1, 2009
不需要有同類 傳染頹廢
不需要去偷竊 你的思念 自我安慰
就讓我僞裝 我嘴角不屑
允許我 保留我最後一點點特權
如果我眼神裡 閃爍不屑
那一半 跟著你走遠了的那一天
不需要有同類 傳染頹廢
不需要去偷竊 你的思念 自我安慰
就讓我僞裝 我嘴角不屑
允許我 保留我最後一點點特權
如果我眼神裡 閃爍不屑
那一半 跟著你走遠了的那一天
如果我 還有一點點不屑
我只是 世界上某種絕種的蕨類
如果我 還有一點點不屑
自以爲 或許有一天我們會重疊
A song recommend to you all, 不屑by黃鴻升.
Got seriously affected by the lyrics, it's throbbing my heart.
My thoughts, some times, really do show this thinking.
Oh well, we can't control life, but can't abandon too.
Because, it's our life.
Well, shall not think too much about those gloomy stuff.
Off to have my dinner, bye people.
不需要有同類 傳染頹廢
不需要去偷竊 你的思念 自我安慰
就讓我僞裝 我嘴角不屑
允許我 保留我最後一點點特權
如果我眼神裡 閃爍不屑
那一半 跟著你走遠了的那一天
不需要有同類 傳染頹廢
不需要去偷竊 你的思念 自我安慰
就讓我僞裝 我嘴角不屑
允許我 保留我最後一點點特權
如果我眼神裡 閃爍不屑
那一半 跟著你走遠了的那一天
如果我 還有一點點不屑
我只是 世界上某種絕種的蕨類
如果我 還有一點點不屑
自以爲 或許有一天我們會重疊
A song recommend to you all, 不屑by黃鴻升.
Got seriously affected by the lyrics, it's throbbing my heart.
My thoughts, some times, really do show this thinking.
Oh well, we can't control life, but can't abandon too.
Because, it's our life.
Well, shall not think too much about those gloomy stuff.
Off to have my dinner, bye people.
Finally, I've thought it through.
I shouldn't have said those as I know there are people out there supporting me, not because of looks.
Purely because of my voice.
I really appreciate your support, because you people see the effort I put it.
Anyway, I am the one who gave up in this competition.
As, I am kinda tired playing hide and seek, and psychology games with media.
I am only 16, I am not cut out to handle these at this young age.
Well, I am sure when I am older, I am able to.
However, we will see how future lead us to.
Let's see. =D
Anyway, just chatted with Jarod.
Oh well, he is just as cute and irritating as ever.
Talked quite much, got some updates and out dates from him.
Jarod, don't really have to care much.
As long as we are happy, we lead our life because it's ours, not theirs, it's more than enough.
Other people's matter, we don't have to care.
Especially to those who hated me for non constructive reason, well, I don't expect you to like me anymore.
Just to tell you something, don't act a saint, it's useless.
I am bad, I admit.
But at least, I know my limits.
I am happy, do you?
Hope that you do, if not, no one can help you.
Laughs, I find myself so sarcastic.
Wonder why, maybe it's because of listening to A*mei's newest album.
Her album's songs are mostly daring in words, shows aggressive feelings.
Her songs somehow brought up my dark side of feelings, made me have courage to say what I want to say now.
Oh no, her name is not A*mei not.
Let me introduce, she is a newbie, her name is Amit!
Support her, I love her loads. =D
Fine, I think I've gone berserk.
Shall stop here before my topic has drifted to Northern America to find Hui Shi.
Alright, that's lame.
Goodbye people.
Have a nice day. =D
I shouldn't have said those as I know there are people out there supporting me, not because of looks.
Purely because of my voice.
I really appreciate your support, because you people see the effort I put it.
Anyway, I am the one who gave up in this competition.
As, I am kinda tired playing hide and seek, and psychology games with media.
I am only 16, I am not cut out to handle these at this young age.
Well, I am sure when I am older, I am able to.
However, we will see how future lead us to.
Let's see. =D
Anyway, just chatted with Jarod.
Oh well, he is just as cute and irritating as ever.
Talked quite much, got some updates and out dates from him.
Jarod, don't really have to care much.
As long as we are happy, we lead our life because it's ours, not theirs, it's more than enough.
Other people's matter, we don't have to care.
Especially to those who hated me for non constructive reason, well, I don't expect you to like me anymore.
Just to tell you something, don't act a saint, it's useless.
I am bad, I admit.
But at least, I know my limits.
I am happy, do you?
Hope that you do, if not, no one can help you.
Laughs, I find myself so sarcastic.
Wonder why, maybe it's because of listening to A*mei's newest album.
Her album's songs are mostly daring in words, shows aggressive feelings.
Her songs somehow brought up my dark side of feelings, made me have courage to say what I want to say now.
Oh no, her name is not A*mei not.
Let me introduce, she is a newbie, her name is Amit!
Support her, I love her loads. =D
Fine, I think I've gone berserk.
Shall stop here before my topic has drifted to Northern America to find Hui Shi.
Alright, that's lame.
Goodbye people.
Have a nice day. =D
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