Hello everyone, wish you all a happy National Day.
Well, as expected, this year's a boring one, so I went out to have fun.
Woke up early to prepare for DM's celebration.
Made up, changed to purple, his and mine favourite colour.
For your information, we are just friends alright? =D
So, headed to Tampines 1, instead of Tanah Merah as told.
Well, it's a surprise, to trick him there by telling him that I fainted.
However, I waited until I feel weak, I feel like fainting.
When he heard that, he said that I am lying to him.
In fact, I am really weak.
Hence, he immediately rushed to Tampines 1 and saw me with the cake.
Thanks a lot bastard, you are expressionless.
I feel so sad when I see your face has no facial changes.
Damn you, I hate you okay?
Ate and headed toward Parkway Parade to meet his friends.
Seriously, I think they are so indecisive than girls.
Walking around for beer, and laughing around as if they have the whole world's time to waste.
Me and B is so lethargic, we were like so gloomy when they walked around and didn't buy anything.
They wanted to chase the bus, so crossed the overhead bridge.
While me and B just stayed there.
DM really waited for us at the bridge and called us.
That's the time when I realise why GOD created male and female.
We are different, and this could not be changed.
Girls prefer liquor, while guys prefer beer.
Girls prefer romance movies, while guys prefer horror movies.
I am more like a guy, I prefer horror and action movies.
However, girls are more sensitive than guys.
Sensitive meaning we can sense more, we know guys more than guys know us.
They are kinda insensitive, they don't know what we want.
That's the time when I know, why girls compromise more to guys.
I am sorry if you are not the above I mentioned, I'm referring to the majority.
That's when my confidence level is the lowest.
I do not how to communicate, I do not know how to get along with them.
They are his friends, I do not know them.
That's the time when I am feeling so paranoid and unhappy.
Therefore, went off with B, to walk around and do something.
It's not right to say, but certainly not something dirty. =D
Headed back to Tampines, did window shopping and I am hereby recommending a shop in Tampines Mall.
It's Valerie, it's located at the second floor.
I've forgotten the unit number, but it's signboard is kinda big and attracting.
Their clothes, in my eyes, are gorgeous, I love it.
However, do make sure you bring enough money before patronising it.
Trust me, it's nice!
What's more, is that when you spend above 100 dollars, you will get a 10 dollars voucher.
That means spending of $150, you will get $15 voucher.
Do take note, minimum spending of $100, then you will be awarded to the voucher.
Oh well, before going in to Tampines Mall, there's an event going on outside.
It was organised by SingTel, and if we were to do something, we will be given a goodie bag.
Deciding to be a typical Singaporean for once, I went up to sing National Day theme song.
Of course not this year's, I do not know how to!
I sang 'Home', that was when I am the happiest.
I can sing, when no one knows who am I, and they gave me their attention and applause.
I just sang, with all my breathe, and emotions, and everyone appreciated.
I felt so happy, my confidence level is the highest.
They even asked me to sing another song, and still, more people came to listen.
Really, such attention is much appreciated, as they do not know who am I.
They are just purely, listening to the music I'm producing.
It's really different compared to CSS, and I prefer the situation now.
They are more like your listener, appreciaters, than supporters or haters.
Feels good, life's good. =)
Went to eat Japanese Cuisine with B, which cost each of us $36!!!
Gosh, I am so going to get killed by my mum.
She told me to take note of my spending, and there I am eating such a splendid dinner.
However, I would say, it's worth spending the money.
I'm enjoying it, B too.
After all these, I'm exhausted.
I am really tired, lethargic.
However, what I'm telling you now, is to live life with confidence.
Confidence marks a fruitful day today.
Like me, my confidence level has always been taking a ride on the roller coaster, going up and down.
When I think everything's going fine, my confidence level could ruin everything.
Everything has to start from scratch, afraid, but have to move on.
The world's not going to stop because of you, but to continue going to let you know life has to move on.
In fact, it's speed will be unexpectable, as you are still there standing and dazing.
Life has so much for you to encounter, are you going to waste those exciting moments and just stop there?
I realised that, and I am not stop there whenever I'm being knocked down.
In fact, I'm going to get stronger and not get defeated.
I am going to move on, I am going to encounter all experiences with my open eyes, open ears and heart.
First thing to do, boost up my confidence level.
Second thing, boost up my confidence level.
Third thing, boost up my confidence level.
Laugh, I'm just psycho-ing myself.
I would want you to think, are you confident? =D
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